After the first full-bodied news announced in March 2022, the second season of the anime follows In / ghost finally surfaced in a new trailer. In fact, during Anime Expo2022 the third official promotional video of the series was released, which announced some important news, let's see them together.
The trailer in question introduces some of the new characters in the series for the first time and also introduces their respective voice actors, including Makoto Furukawa and Aoi Yuki who will join the cast by lending their voices to Masayuki Muroi and Yuki-Onna. As previously confirmed, the staff has not been able to keep up the rhythm of production and therefore respect the release date originally set, that is October 2022, and therefore fans of the series can continue following the supernatural thriller born from the spirit of Kyo Shirodaira and illustrated by Hiro Kiyohara and Chasiba Katase January 2023.
take care of them Crunchyroll distributes worldwide, who also shared the trailer with English subs that you can find at the top of the news. Let us know what you think of the new sequences shown by leaving a comment below. To wrap things up, we leave you with our recap of In/Spectre Season 1.