In a few months, Hunter x Hunter could return to Weekly Shonen Jump. The manga was temporarily paused in late 2018 and Yoshihiro Togashi has not released a chapter since then. Recently, however, the author has reactivated, so we will soon review the internal struggle of the Kakin Empire.

This means that Kakin’s princes will once again fight each other for supremacy. We analyze all the principles from the first to the last, starting with Benjamin Hui Guo Rou, the first prince of Kakin. Benjamin is the first child of Nasubi Hui Guo Rou and his first wife Unma. Like the other descendants of the royal family, he took part in the ritual of choosing the next ruler of the Kakin Empire.

Benjamin is a mammoth and a very violent man: On one of the plates he was depicted on, he was holding an extremely aggressive lion. His nature is warmongering – unsurprisingly he is the military security officer for the royal family – and aims to mercilessly kill all other participants in the ritual, exploiting the Nen as well.

His type isn’t known yet, but he might be of the tough type, and he has an ability that makes him extremely versatile. Actually, every soldier who swears allegiance to Benjamin His ability is transferred to the prince at the moment of his death. Like the other princes, he is equipped with a Guardian Beast, an insect-shaped creature with gaping jaws.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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