The nearly four-year wait ended with the return of Hunter X Hunter, and in the two chapters published so far, Togashi has upped the pace of the narrative significantly by bringing old acquaintances back onto the stage. There seem to be more villains than expected aboard the gigantic Black Whale.

L’Sheet of the succession tender stars the Princes of Kakin and some members of the Empire’s three most powerful mafia families. At the last appointment with the manga, we witnessed the beginning of a plan devised by Hinrigh Biganduffno of the Xi-Yu family to find Hisoka aboard the Black Whale. In which Chapter 392surprising readers, Togashi has indeed brought the Hunter back onto the stage, and with a twist, some of his old acquaintances too: the Phantom Brigade.

Even the organization is actually like Hisoka one of the main goals of the mafia families present on the ship and a Heil-Ly killer had managed to locate them few chapters ago thanks to its nen. However, as usual, members of the brigade waited to have as much information as possible before taking action, and when they decided to act, Phinks, Feitan and Nobunaga They were intercepted by the killer. Were you surprised by the return of Hisoka and the Ghost Brigade? Tell us in the comments.

Finally, we leave you with the painful message of Togashi in Volume 37 and the spoilers of Chapter 393 of Hunter x Hunter.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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