The Dragon Slayer of berserk, this huge sword wielded by the protagonist throughout the events is one of the most iconic weapons not only of Japanese culture but of the entire entertainment world. In fact, Gatsu's faithful companion has learned to stand out through superhuman dimensions.
Some time ago, after a chapter devoted to revelations, the author revealed the origins of the dragon slayer, Berserker's legendary broadsword it has even inspired a few weapons in popular video games. It's such a popular weapon that a few years ago even a cutlery attempted to forge it from scratch, but with steel.
This experience is actually very useful to try and give a few numbers in terms of weight, given the use of steel The long sword weighed about 90 kg. Obviously, the Dragon Slayer is a lot heavier than 90kg, being built from materials vastly different from steel, but it offers a minimum weight of Gatsu's ace in the hole. The actual weight of the weapon in question is not exactly known to us, as it has probably also changed over time, but should be somewhere between 200 and 300 kg with dimensions of over 2 m in length.
And you instead, what do you think of these numbers? As usual, let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the appropriate box below.