After more than 10 years of absence, the Bleach anime returns with the adaptation of Millennial War, the final saga of the legendary manga series written and drawn by Tite Kubo. If you haven’t seen the Studio Pierrot production, now might be the time. but how many seasons of bleach exist?
He also wrote the television anime Bleach, produced by Studio Pierrot and directed by Noriyuki Abe Debuted in Japan on October 5, 2004. Bleach is one of Shonen Jump’s Big Three along with ONE PIECE and Naruto, and the adaptation immediately won audiences’ favor. The series ran until March 27, 2012, when it was stopped without even having found an end. The Bleach epilogue will finally air from October 10th with the debut of The Millennial War saga. While waiting for this debut, let’s find out how many episodes and seasons the anime consists of.
Created under the supervision of Tite Kubo, the Bleach anime at the moment It has a total of 366 episodes divided into sixteen seasons. However, these do not fully respect the flow of the manga of the same name, as some of them are filler.
That The first story arc of the Bleach anime is the surrogate shinigami saga. which has no filler and runs from episode 1 to 20. Here is a summary of Bleach’s Shinigami Substitute Saga. The story continues with Soul Society Saga: Infiltration (21-41), which continues with Soul Society Saga: The Rescue (42-63).
The anime then ventures into the bount saga (64-91) and in the Bount Saga: Assault on the Soul Society (92-109), these in full filler. It continues with the Saga of the Arrancars: Apparition (110-131), with the Saga of the Arrancars: Invasion of the Hueco Mundo (132-151) and with the Saga of the Arrancars: The Battle (152-167). At the end of which is the Filler saga about the new captain Shusuke Amagai (168-189). The saga of the arrancar against the shinigami (190-205) picks up on the manga.
Then follow the saga of the past (206-214), the saga of the arrancars: decisive battle in Karakura (215-229), the Third filler saga of alternate history of Zanpakuto (230-265) and the Arrancar saga: the downfall (266-316).
The conclusion of the anime is the filler saga of the invading army of the thirteen brigades (317-342) and the Saga about the missing Shinigami replacement (343-366). To these first sixteen seasons, Bleach Thousand Year Blood War will add another four seasons.