The first compilation Blu-ray of the anime adaptation of the light novels written by Satoru Yamaguchi and illustrated by Nami Hidaka, Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta (abbreviated as Hamefura), sold a total of 4,698 copies in their first week, considered a satisfactory performance.
Yamaguchi started publishing the novels online through the website Shousetsuka ni Narou in 2014. Subsequently, the publisher Ichijinsha publication of the paper novels began with illustrations by Nami Hidaka and under the editorial seal Bunko Iris in August 2015. The publisher published the ninth volume in April 2020.
For its part, the anime adaptation has been broadcast since April 4 and is produced by the studios Silver Link, under the direction of Keisuke Inoue and scripts written by Megumi Shimizu, and it is confirmed that it will have a total of twelve episodes.
Synopsis of Hamefura
After hitting her head particularly hard one day, Duke Claes’ daughter Katarina recovers all the memories of her past life: that of a Japanese teenager. Just before her untimely death, this girl remembers playing an otome game … and it’s exactly like the world she’s living in now!
She is now Katarina Claes, the antagonist of the otome game, who harassed the protagonist until the end. Knowing all the possible outcomes of the game, he realizes that all possible routes end with Katarina’s murder or exile. To avoid these catastrophic endings, he has to use his knowledge of the game and his own tricks, starting with breaking this engagement with the prince.
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