Through the official website dedicated to Great Pretender, an intriguing original animated series that the guys from Wit Studio, a new and interesting promotional video dedicated to the production was published, which was followed by a new key visual focused on the various characters of the anime.

The trailer allows you to take a first look at the series, offering an initial taste of what the work aims to offer, with some of the protagonists and events that will be the backdrop to the story that has gone before showing itself to the public. In addition, the video ended with the official announcement of the date for the release of this chatted Great Pretender, apparently set for June 2, 2020 on Netflix Japan, while for the rest of the world no declarations have yet been released. Going into more detail, the schedule for the publication of the episodes was divided as follows:

  • Case 1 (episodes from 1-5): June 2nd
  • Case 2 (episodes from 6-10): June 9th
  • Case 3 (episodes from 11-14): June 16th
  • Case 4: (unknown episode number): "Coming soon"

In case you don't know it, the work narrates the deeds of Makoto Edamura, known as the greatest swindler in Japan. Together with his partner Kudo, the man tries to deceive a Frenchman in Asakusa but, in the end, the two are unexpectedly deceived in turn. The Frenchman turns out to be Laurent Thierry, a "man of trust" who has important connections with the Mafia and who is not willing to let the two go so easily.

Before saying goodbye, we remind you that on the pages of Everyeye you can also find another trailer dedicated to Great Pretender.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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