In the long run, the fairy tale He proved capable of forcibly dividing the public – regardless of whether they are readers and viewers – which has been divided over the years between great admirers of the work and its protagonists and violent critics who have found nothing good in it .

Despite everything, success remains evident, to the point that after the much-discussed conclusion of the original work, confirmation has arrived of a sequel, or Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest, a series that is currently running its way, paralleling the new creature of Hiro Mashima or Edens Zero.

As can be easily imagined, the characters of the original series were never forgotten neither by the fans, who often praised their heroes through meticulously crafted cosplay and fan art, nor by the creator of the series himself, that is, Mashima herself. . In fact, the mangaka has often posted on its social themed sketches to preserve the “memory” of the characters born from its pen, and only recently The man has published another drawing, this time dedicated to Graywith the intention of watching us from off-screen, as seen at the end of the news. As can be easily imagined, there are tons of fans who have praised the work, and at this point – given the past – the only question that remains is who will be the next character to be immortalized in a Mashima sketch.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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