The live-streaming last Wednesday, aired on the occasion of Dragon Quest Day, announced a new prequel manga by Dragon Quest: Give The Big Adventure. The work, arriving on the V Jump magazine, will be screened by Sanjo and designed by Yusaku Shibata (Zipman !!, Yoakemono).

The story will focus on the adventures of the protagonist Adan, before meeting Dai and the rest of his companions. The artist who will take care of giving life to the story is really the author of Zipman !!, the superhero-themed manga previously published in the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine.

Unfortunately, during the serialization period, the work failed to meet the favor of the general public and was suddenly canceled.

The Dragon Quest: Dai The Great Adventure manga will receive, starting in October, a new edition. The volumes will be characterized by a new cover art by the author Inada, also including color pages. The news around the work does not end here. In fact, always in October it will be broadcast the animated adaptation by Toei Animation, which will use a hybrid approach between computer graphics and 2D animation.

Below we leave you a synopsis of the work:

“Having been raised by the gentle monster Brass, Dai’s dream is to become a hero. His dream comes true when Hadlar is resurrected and the previous hero, Avan, starts training him for an upcoming battle. But Hadlar, announcing that now he works for an even more powerful demon lord, comes to kill Avan. To save his students, Avan uses a Sacrifice spell, however he is unable to defeat Hadlar. When the end seems to come for Dai and the other student of Avan, Pop, a sign appears on Dai’s forehead and suddenly acquires super powers capable of repelling Hadlar. The two students then begin a journey to avenge Avan and restore peace to the world “.

Dragon Quest: Give the Great Adventure, chaos and fighting in the trailer of episode 1. Dragon Quest: Give the Great Adventure, the rediscovery of a classic.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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