The Cell Saga of Dragon Ball Z is still referred to as one of Akira Toriyama’s most exciting franchises today. One of the most iconic moments of the battle with the mighty monstrosity was featured in this magnificent collection of statues created by the MRC studio.
In particular, the character is based on episode 156 of Dragon Ball Z, in which Vegeta shows the opponent and his companions the results achieved in space of spirit and time. Passed the limit of the Super SaiyanThe prince proves to be clearly superior to Cell, who suffers his fatal blows without being able to react. To everyone’s astonishment, the very muscular Saiyan claims to have become Super Vegeta.
This iconic event was honored by the MRC character. Point your thumb at yourself Great Vegeta shows his immense ego against a cell that is almost startled by its strength. The peculiarity of this beautiful collector’s item lies in the prince’s hair, in which an LED is hidden to light up the blonde hair of the Super Saiyan.
To a Price of 430 eurosThe 58-centimeter figure shows incredible details such as the aura surrounding the protagonist or the powerful muscles that characterize the transformation. In this other Dragon Ball Z character, Goku Super Saiyan 3 challenges Janemba. Vegeta’s most touching moment in this Dragon Ball Z street art.
– Majin Store (@MajinStore) April 4, 2021