One of the defining elements of Goku’s character design Dragon ball In Dragon Ball Super, it’s his suit, a hallmark of the character that the protagonist has rarely given up. Our hero actually wore it in all major battles, almost as a kind of good luck charm.

One of the things Sensei doesn’t miss Akira Toriyama is the taste for colors. From Super Saiyan Blue to Super Saiyan Green’s hypotheses, the master actually played a lot with colors to highlight the characters’ improvements. In the case of Goku in particular, we know that the orange of his suit is nothing more than a shade of the rose bush known under the name “Yamabuki“, Flowers that vary from yellow to orange.

During an interview published for the full color edition of the manga, the author stated that the suit, known as “dogi“is inspired by Clothing that Chinese monks wear during their trainingin harmony with Goku and Krillin’s training with Master Roshi. In some cases, the anime and some color panels painted the suit red, a color that is wrong, however, as Goku’s doge is more orange in color. This is also due to the fact that the color in question has a special meaning in the garments, namely an auspicious symbolin clear alignment with the events of history when the two little fighters ventured into the 21st martial arts tournament.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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