Waiting for the sensational return of the Dragon Ball Super animated seriesThe best battle scenes broadcast so far will compete against each other in a special event organized by TOEI Animation and Funimation.
Dragon Ball Super: The Battle of the Battles will be retraced most significant battles in the animeFrom the clash with Lord Beerus to the one with Freeza to the fight with Goku Black and Jiren. At the start of this special event, which is scheduled for March 27th and will be streamed live on the TOEI Animation and Funimation channels, it is now very tight. Will there be pleasant surprises?
In order to choose the best Dragon Ball Super fight, a poll was started to classify them ten best battles of the anime. “”We’re excited to introduce Dragon Ball Super: Battle of the Battles with Funimation to anime fans around the world“TOEIs Lisa Yamatoya told the comic portal.
“With so many epic battles in Dragon Ball Super, it was exciting to see the fans enter the greatest fight of all time. This weekend’s top ten countdown is going to go down in the history books, the history books of Dragon Ball!”.
And you will take part in the show? Share your own top ten anime fights with us! In the meantime, check out all the details about the Dragon Ball Super Live Stream Event here. Suitcase or gohan? We choose the strongest Saiyan half-breed from Dragon Ball Super.