The launch of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero in Japan was an outcry: the film even surpassed the numbers of Dragon Ball Super: Broly. The film served as a "guinea pig" for innovative animation TOEI animationwhich were initially sharply criticized by fans.

In hindsight, however, fans seem to have accepted the producer's experiment given the film's box office earnings. Dragon Ball Super: Superhero has put Gohan and Piccolo, absolute protagonists, and the Army of the Red Ribbon, who has returned after a very long time as a villain in the franchise, back into the limelight.

In connection with the film, novels dedicated to him also appeared in Japan, which contain unreleased images of the new characters. As we can see from @'s tweetDbsHype1in the novels there are black and white illustrations of Gohan's new transformation as he fights with giant cell, last form of the android. In another we can see the clash between Cell and Piccolo, while in the last one the android's skull is destroyed by Gohan's Makankosappo.

The first spoilers of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero had already revealed the new characters, protagonists of the film's highlights. That Return of Cellalready theorized before the release of the film, made happy many fans who, after seeing Freeza in Dragon Ball Super, were just waiting for the right moment for the android's revenge on Gohan.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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