One of the biggest difficulties with regard to animation products is being able to bring back those characters of imagination in a real key. In some cases, in fact, the design is so peculiar that it is difficult to rebuild. Nonetheless, a fan of Dragon Ball Super he tried the impossible with Vegeta anyway, did he succeed?

Imagining the iconic hero in reality must be rather difficult, also by virtue of the disastrous result of Dragon Ball Evolution. And yet, with a pinch of imagination and a lot of inventiveness he tried it shibuz 4, an artist, through the illustration that you can admire at the bottom of the news. The result in question, therefore, is extremely particular, despite the arrogant character of the iconic Prince of the Saiyans still manages to emerge thanks to the thin grin of the lips.

But speaking of particular original artistic representations, what do you think of the clash between Gogeta and Vegetto from a fan’s point of view? In any case, the illustration has been particularly successful in the dedicated Dragon Ball communities, thanks to a particularly well-chosen cure in relation to the difficulty.

And you, however, what do you think of this real reconstruction of Vegeta, you like it? Please let us know, as usual, with a comment below. If this peculiar interpretation is not enough for you, then you cannot miss this fan-art that reinterprets Goku and Vegeta as an elderly.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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