On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga, written and illustrated by Kenjiro Hata, Tonicaku Kawaii (TONIKAWA Fly me to the moon), a new promotional image for the OVA was unveiled "Tonicaku Kawaii: Seifuku (TONIKAWA: Uniform)", the start of which was postponed until the season Autumn-2022 (October-December) in Japan.

However, for the West, the premiere is scheduled for next August 6 at 2:30 p.m. (Japan time) during the event. Crunchyroll Expo 2022, although this will only be seen in screenings during the event as the VOD premiere coincides with Japan. It is worth remembering that the premiere was originally planned for the season of Summer-2022 (July-September).

Tonicaku Kawaii

Hata began publishing the manga through the magazine Weekly Shōnen Sunday from the publisher Shogakukan in February 2018. The play inspired a studios-produced twelve-episode anime adaptation Seven archesLed by Hiroshi Ikehata and scripts written by Kazuho Hyōdopremiered in October 2020. A second season is currently in production.

production team

  • Hiroshi Ikehata (Kiratto Pri☆Chan, Seton Academy: Welcome to the pack) is responsible for directing this second season at the studios Seven arches.
  • Kazuho Hyōdo (Kiratto Pri☆Chan) is responsible for writing and supervising the screenplays.
  • Masakatsu Sasaki (Saki, we never learn: BOKUBEN) meanwhile is responsible for the character design Goichi Iwahata is responsible for the design of the promotions.
  • endou (Akiba's Journey: The Animation) is responsible for composing the soundtrack.

Tonicaku Kawaii Abstract

Nasa Yuzaki is determined to leave his name in the history books. He takes first place in the national mock exam and is aiming for a respected high school. He is sure that he has planned his whole life. Destiny, however, is an fickle mistress. Driving home on a snowy night, Nasa's gaze falls on an incomparable beauty across the street. Mesmerized, Nasa attempts to approach her, only to be surprised by an oncoming truck.

Luckily, the girl's quick action saves his life. Bleeding next to an ambulance, he watches the girl drive away in the moonlight, reminiscent of Princess Kaguya heading to the moon. Refusing to let this chance encounter end, he forces his crippled body to chase after her and asks her out. Shocked by his recklessness and sheer determination, the girl accepts his confession on one condition: they can only be together if he marries her!

Font: Weird Natalie


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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