In Dragon Ball Super, Vegeta embarked on a unique journey following the events of the Galactic Patrol Prisoner arc. He took a very different path than Goku to attain new powers. This led him to learn and tap into Spirit Control Power of Destruction thanks to the new training with Beerus.

Through this new path, Vegeta has begun to see himself very differently in general and seems to value winning in combat far less than before. Have seen previous arcs in the series Vegeta steps aside to help Goku winand that is the case in the new chapter.

While he had already sacrificed the last senzu bean to allow Granolah one last shot at revenge against Gas, the latest installment in the series puts everything on Goku's shoulders when the fight takes a turn. That's where Vegeta makes another great sacrifice and gives Goku his last energies for the upcoming fight.

In Dragon Ball Super Chapter 81, Granolah fails on her second attempt to take on gas. The awakened Heeter became too strong for him and Goku and Vegeta were forced to watch Cerealiano struggled to keep up with the Heeter.

When it seemed like Granolah had finally reached the limit, Vegeta gives the last of his energy to Goku. Vegeta's body has been damaged too much, not just by using his own ultra ego before that (taking damage to get stronger) but from Gas's flow of angry blows from the previous chapter.

Vegeta gives Goku his full support, knowing that the latter is the only one left fit enough to fight, and again passes the baton to Goku. It is very likely that this will be the case final phase of the battlesince Goku and the others have exhausted all other options, but for now it's just a matter of seeing what Goku will do to gas it up in the next chapter of Dragon Ball Super.

What do you think of Vegeta once again devoting his last energies to Goku? What are you hoping for from Goku in the fight that continues in the next chapter? Let us know your thoughts on this in the comments below. We remind you that you can read the latest chapters of Dragon Ball Super on MANGA Plus.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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