The end of the Dragon Ball Super Goten and Trunks saga will lead to a new beginning. The manga series, directed by Toyotaro, will adapt Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, the film that brought the series back to cinemas in 2022. To celebrate the start of this story arc Gohan and Piccolo appear on the cover of VJump.

Dragon Ball Super 91 spoilers are already circulating online in anticipation of the official release scheduled for Sunday, March 19, 2023 on MangaPlus Superhero sagain other words, a faithful adaptation of the events that viewers of the film were already able to experience.

The new Dragon Ball Super story arc will continue to put aside Goku and Vegeta who are still busy on the planet Beerus searching for a way to defeat Black Frieza and will put the spotlight on Gohan and Piccolo this time.

In homage to the next manga saga, on Cover of VJump, the monthly Shueisha magazine that publishes Dragon Ball Super, Gohan and Piccolo will appear, one behind the other and with fierce eyes, they are already ready to fight with Doctor Hedo's androids and with the evil plan of the new Red Ribbon. And are you ready to relive the cinematic adventure in a new key?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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