The manga of Dragon Ball Super entered the heart of the Molo saga, proposing the long-awaited battle between the sorcerer and Vegeta. The latter, in particular, since his arrival on Earth has been the protagonist of a long and troubled growth, not only as a warrior but as a man.
After hard training and many obstacles, the Prince of Saiyans finally managed to overcome the eternal rival thanks to his new technique, an extraordinary power acquired on Planet Yardrat to face the deadly powers of the sorcerer. During the battle between the two, Piccolo could not help but notice the deep change of Vegeta, now almost unrecognizable by the despicable antagonist who arrived on Earth for the dragon balls.
The Namkian, therefore, wanted to emphasize how the Saiyan is “raised as a person“as well as as a warrior, linking the will of the iconic prince to fight for the protection of the Planet that welcomed him to possibility of redemption for all those crimes committed in life, especially when it was part of the Freezer Army. Furthermore, Piccolo revealed to Goku how it is above all thanks to him that Vegeta managed to change so radically.
A gradual change but which further underlines the growth of a character who from simple villain has become one of the greatest and most appreciated heroes in the entire imaginary of Dragon Ball Super. A hero who is no longer just the arrogant “Saiyan Prince”, but a father, a husband and even a friend who has discovered what he really wants to protect.
And you, instead, what do you think of its growth? Let us know with a comment below.