The series of Dragon Ball GT is one of the most controversial of the entire franchise tied to Akira Toriyama’s masterpiece, so much debated that it has split the community into two factions, between those who valued TOEI Animation’s original series and those who thought about it instead missed opportunity.
Dragon Ball GT is an ambitious but not very specific series, which is the biggest criticism most fans have of the product. The most spectacular element of the anime is certainly Super Saiyan 4, an original transformation much appreciated especially for the originality of the character design.
In this regard recently Army Ant Studio wanted to pay homage to the most powerful fusion of the work, Gogeta, in his strongest form or in the fourth level of Super Saiyan. It’s one of the strongest characters to ever appear in the series, so even today it’s not clear how 100% dangerous he really is. In any case, the figure can be pre-ordered in two different variants, in 1/4 and 1/6 scale, proposed respectively at a price of 399 and 199 dollarsdelivery is scheduled between late 2022 and early 2023. In addition, both models are available in limited quantities of 134 units.
And you on the other hand, what do you think of Gogeta SSJ4 in this figure from Army Ant Studio, do you like it? As usual, please let us know by leaving a comment in the appropriate box below.