In step a Dragon Ball Z Master Akira Toriyama has introduced many new features, ranging from the extraterrestrial race of Saiyans, to which the protagonist Son Goku belongs, to time travel, thanks to Bulma’s genius exploited by one of the community’s favorite characters: Future Tribesimmortalized in a new fanart.

The ability to travel through time first appears in the Saga of the Androidswith Trunks appearing from an alternate timeline where planet Earth was destroyed power of dr Gelo’s creations. Thanks to the time machine created by his mother, Trunks manages to reach the timeline where the protagonists are and save Goku from a heart disease that would have otherwise killed him. Warning to the Z warriors of the imminent threat from the androids Trunks prove to be a fundamental piece of security the future of the earth.

to pay homage to Trunks and Son Gohan, his mentor in the alternate timeline, user @kenji_893, portrayed them with several changes to the original design, making them much more similar to the style of samurai. Both Saiyans appear with tails, a distinctive trait the two never had in canon history, and They carry katanas. Despite the outfit change, the fan wanted to maintain some fidelity to the original colors of his clothes. Let us know what you think of this piece of art in the comments. Finally, we let you retrace the sad story of Mirai Trunks.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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