With the imminent arrival of the animated adaptation of Uzumaki for fans of the Master of Horror Junji Ito It’s going to be a great year for sure. While waiting for the new animated series to debut, a fan celebrated the manga by sharing a certain take on the great classic Dissolving Classroom.

For those unfamiliar with this, breaking up the classroom is one of the more disturbing stories created by Ito. The work tells the story of the brothers Yuma and Chizumi Azawa, a very special duo. Chizumi, the youngest, has a visibly disturbed psyche and seems to enjoy chasing and frightening others. His older brother Yuma, on the other hand, is exactly the opposite: he is a friendly boy and apologizes for Chizumi’s behavior. But it is precisely this polite quality that causes the brains of those who receive the apology to become liquefied.

Artist Affectionate-Island was inspired by this work and shared on Reddit his homage to the genius of Japanese horror or a animated short film by Dissolving Classroom. With fandom eagerly awaiting the arrival of Uzumaki, this short fan-made video can satisfy the “horror” appetite.

In the meantime, it appears the Junji Ito Masterworks Collection will also receive an anime adaptation, here are the first details. The Amigara bug puzzle was also animated by a Junji Ito enthusiast.

I proudly present my animated ending to “Dissolving Classroom”. GOMEN NASAI! by r / junjiito

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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