The final episode of restarting the first anime series dedicated to digital monsters Digimon Adventure 2020 , marks a point of no return, with an unexpected death and the appearance of a dark Digimon, the next big enemy that the protagonists will face.

The tones shown in these first episodes are extremely serious and direct than those that characterized the original series more than twenty years ago, and the authors continue to surprise us by adding depth to the enemies.

It is about Ogremon, one of the villains of Digimon Adventures' first story arc, who, despite returning several times in the following seasons, never paid particular attention to the role of the mighty Devimon's right arm.

Although he appears to be guided only by his malice, episode 9 of the restart showed us another side of Ogremon, which underscores his honorable rivalry with Leomon and is faced with the appearance of a perfect Digimon, Dark Tyrannomon, Ogremon he decides to sacrifice himself to give the Digi-Chosen time to flee. At the bottom of the page, we reported a fan post that shows some pictures of Ogremon just before he died in the explosion caused by the tyrannomon.

A scene that very surprised the audience and revised the small details of the original series. Keep in mind that the number of episodes of Digimon Adventure 2020 became known and that Matt and Garurumon received a magnificent statue.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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