A few moments ago the guys from Ufotable studio and the author Koyoharu Gotouge They thanked the Japanese audience with a letter posted on social media announcing the film Demon Slayer: Infinity Train After a little over a month and a half in the cinemas, revenues of 28.9 billion yen (around 230 million euros) were achieved.
The figure places Ufotables Film directly behind de The enchanted city by Studio Ghibli, the most watched film in Japanese history. Demon Slayer: Infinity Train is currently just under 2 billion yen awayand considering that the film is grossing 3/4 billion yen a week on average, we can assume that Studio Ghibli’s masterpiece will definitely be surpassed next week. According to forecasts OriconEven if there was a sharp drop at the box office, the film would still beat The Enchanted City and become the most watched movie of all time before the end of the year.
Demon Slayer: Infinity Train will therefore end the year by beating every possible record Never taken from a film released in Japan. In addition, with the diffusion in western and Chinese cinemas, analysts expect a total collection of nearly $ 500 million in 2021, an unprecedented figure for a Japanese film.
What do you think about it? Happy with the success of the film? Let us know with a comment! If you want to know what Ufotable’s two big rivals think, we’ll leave you to the words of Makoto Shinkai and the recent testimony of Hayao Miyazaki instead.
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– @ 滅 の 刃 @ (@kimetsu_off) December 7, 2020
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