Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba by Koyoharu Gotoge is unique in the recent history of Japanese animation. Thanks to the anime and film produced by Ufotable, the story of Tanjiro has gained extraordinary popularity around the world, and to celebrate a new collaboration, a Halloween illustration has been released .
To shorten the wait that separates the most passionate from the return of the anime with a third season, ufotic shared the beautiful graphic you can see at the bottom of the page via the official social pages. It’s a gigantic reunion between the main protagonists of the series, the Hashirathe best demon hunters in the universe conceived by Gotoge and some of the most dangerous antagonists he has encountered to date such as Daki and Gyutaro, brothers who share the title Sixth Crescent Moon, and Muzan Kibutsuji, real villain of the series.
The illustration was also shared to promote the return to all Japanese territory special cafes dedicated to the series, where it will be possible to buy exclusive gadgets and consume demon slayer-themed drinks and dishes. What do you think of this work of art? As usual, tell us in the comments.
Finally, we remind you that one of the pillars deserves its own spin-off and we leave you to our special in which we deal with the problem that Demon Slayer sees as the new Fullmetal Alchemist.
– ufotable (@ufotable) 09/29/2022
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