Kyoto Animation is one of the most famous and popular animation studios around, a company that has become known and appreciated all over the world for the very high quality of its productions. We like to remember the leading titles of the study Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai!.
While not remembered as one of Kyoto Animation's best anime, the series has been a huge hit in Japan for building a large community connected to the work. A while ago, the studio announced a new project for Hyouka, a famous TV series that the company wants to improve again.
So in the same way KyoAni He wants to invest in Chuunibyou again as he organized big things for the 10th anniversary. November 12 in JapanIn fact, there will be a special event to which members of the anime's cast have been invited, a sign that the event could be accompanied by an announcement with great fanfare. One was also released for the occasion official key visualthe same at the bottom of the message that brings back the beloved characters.
So we'll just have to wait for the fall to find out what KyoAni has in store for the franchise. We encourage you to keep following us to keep up to date on the topic. And you instead, what do you think of this event? As usual, let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the appropriate box below.
El important announcement for the franquicia of "Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!" If it is a special event to celebrate the décimo aniversario of the anime, it will be a Cabo el 12 de Noviembre en Japan with the presence of the list of voices of the series. #chu2koi
- Kudasai (@somoskudasai) July 29, 2022