The producer of the animated series of Castlevania – Kevin Kolde – gave himself to the microphones of Animation World Network, where he discussed the creative process that gave birth to the third season finale:
“When we got the script for the ninth episode, which was characterized by a great deal of action and rather delicate themes, we knew immediately that it would be a challenge. There have been many back and forth to understand how we should have handled four different storilyne that unfolded at the same time.
It took several attempts to arrive at a satisfactory solution. In that episode, when all the winged creatures fly out of the convent, it is possible to notice a choral contribution from the team. It is a sequence based on the genius of Sam and Adam, which was not part of the original script.
The same goes for the giant floating human ball that Isaac fights against, had not been included in the first draft, and represents yet another contribution from Sam and Adam to Warren’s vision. It was an ambiguous situation, but I think our animators and storyboarders loved that challenge. “
Castlevania: the producer reveals, “originally the work was not supposed to be streamed”. Castlevania 4: Get ready for an even darker story, word of the producer Kevin Kolde.