It has been announced for several months that Shonen Jump will debut on Weekly Burn the witch, new manga by Tite Kubo, former writer of Bleach. The mini-series will then be supplemented by an animation film from the Colorido studio in the fall, which will likely adapt the adventures of Ninnie and Noel that we will read in the manga.
However, so far we have not known the date of Burn the Witch’s arrival. In fact, we knew the debut was scheduled for summer 2020 and with the latest information we finally have a specific date. Weekly Shonen Jump issue 36-37, some content of which has already leaked, has informed fans about it Burn the Witch will debut in two weeks, in the 38th issue of the magazine, scheduled for Monday, August 24th.
In addition, the duration of the manga was also confirmed. We already knew Kubo’s work was going to be a miniseries, and in fact, fans can watch it for four chapters. Burn the Witch will therefore take about a month to complete This allows Shueisha to collect this content in a single volume and publish it in the coming months.
The story will appear simultaneously with the Japanese publications on MangaPlus in English and Spanish. Are you ready for that Return of Tite Kubo to Weekly Shonen Jump with this miniseries?
Burn the Witch begins serializing in Issue 38 and is the first of four new series to be serialized. In addition to the 57p chapter, Burn the Witch also receives the cover and lead color page.
– Weekly shonen jump (@WSJ_manga) August 6, 2020