dr Stone was one of the most famous science manga in recent years. The story of Senku, who was transported to the primeval future due to a strange fossilization that shattered human society, has given life to many scientific experiments to reconstruct some semblance of civilization.

While anime fans could enjoy Ryusui's special episode, someone else decided to draw a special parallel. The famous TV series breaking Bad, starring Walter White and Jesse Pinkman, demonstrated the powers of chemistry thanks to the lead professor. The methamphetamine prepared by teachers proves great for many traffickers and busts their drug business.

The Superkai64 fan proved it a fan of Breaking Bad and Dr. be stone, which unite the two very distant universes in this fan art. In the illustration posted on Twitter Walter White becomes Senku, while Jesse Pinkman becomes Chrome. Around them, instead of the stone remains, are the fragments of methamphetamine crystals. A certainly apt but very special parallel, do you like the choice of fan?

Meanwhile, the third season of Dr. Stone official, which will take the protagonists around the world.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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