The anime of Boruto: Naruto the next generationsAfter a long saga made entirely of fillers, it’s finally time again to adapt the manga’s events. The animated series introduces viewers to the “Vessel Arc”, a narrative arc in which Konoha and the Kara organization deal with the so-called recipient.
The latest episodes of Boruto: Naruto the Next Generations got viewers to know everything Internal components of the Kara organization, a criminal group determined to carry out a mysterious plan. When the anime returned to adapt the manga, the community was concerned about the actual quality of this storyline. However, according to a new update, fans can fall asleep again.
As he himself confirmed on Twitter, the script for this anime saga was entrusted supervised by Honda Masaya, a writer who has been part of the team for a while and has built a reputation for himself in the fandom. And the first episodes of this new narrative arc confirm the real quality of the work done.
“”Boruto will start the ship bow in earnest from tomorrow’s episode (Episode 181). I’m in charge of the script. The fate of Boruto and Kawaki, guided by Karma, begins to move. Dont miss it“Said Masaya in his official profile. Boruto will therefore have to deal with his own real power. And what do you think of the first episodes of this saga? The new opening of Boruto shows us the mysterious karma energy. Konohamaru’s secret mission puts him in serious danger in Boruto.
BORUTO will start the “UTSUWA” series in earnest from tomorrow’s episode. I’m in charge of the script. The fate of Boruto and Kawaki, led by the Kama, begins to move. Do not miss it! #BORUTO
– Mas ι δΉ: Honda Masaya (@hon_da) January 9, 2021