In Boruto 261, a new academic year has started in Leaf Village. Among the new generation of students at Ninja Academy, we surprisingly find Kawaki and Himawari, who continues to be loved by the public for his incredible skills Resemblance to Papa Naruto.
Previously a Himawari Uzumaki Only small scraps of space were allowed, in which he terrorized Kurama, the dreaded Nine-Tailed Fox, and unwittingly awakened the Byakugan, the Kekkei Genkai of the Hyuga Clan. That was enough for the community to choose her as the new princess of the Hyuga e deserves the title of Hokage more than his older brother Boruto.
Now that Himawari has been given his own story arc that she only shares with her stepbrother, Kawaki, Naruto and Hinata's second child continues to gain support. What particularly draws fans in is his way of doing it he remembers his father's in every way.
Although Boruto looks more like Naruto and Himawari looks more like Hinata, it is the little girl from the Uzumaki house who most closely resembles the Seventh Hokage. As you can see from the tweet at the end of the article, the Himawari's facial expression is identical to his father'sboth in adulthood and as a child like them.
According to your information, Himawari has now set off Career of Kunoichi, will he be able to fulfill the potential of Leaf Village's most experienced ninja? According to some theories, Himawari could even become Kurama's new carrier force.
will never get tired of seeing himawari who looks a lot like naruto
- Comfort for Himawari lovers 🌻 (@himacomfort) August 8, 2022