Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Moved from Weekly Shonen Jump to V-Jump a year ago, it has established itself well in the magazine, which also publishes Dragon Ball Super, the sequel to another historical manga. Of course, this does not mean that the first magazine, the most famous of the Shueisha house, continues to promote Boruto.
With each chapter in mind, Weekly Shonen Jump publishes a preview of Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, summarizing previous developments and presenting a teaser for the upcoming chapter. And as you can see in the photo below, three quarters of one The advertising page is dedicated to Boruto: Naruto Next Generations chapter 48.
After Boruto: Naruto Next Generations showed the true form of Isshiki Otsutsuki, it has to be done Focus on the end of the clash between the alien and Koji Kasshin. Here are all translations of all advertising days on the page: “Isshiki Otsutsuki is finally born again and reveals his true strength … !!” “The fierce battle with the Otsutsuki reaches a new level !! The true form of Isshiki has been revealed … !! How can you fight with this unstoppable force?” “Is it possible to stop Boruto and Kawaki from converting to Otsutsuki …?”
Unfortunately, due to the quality of the page, it was not possible at the time to translate one of the three slogans dedicated to Koji Kasshin. But the preview also confirms that there will be at least two fronts with which Battle between Koji Kasshin and Isshiki Otsutsuki on the one hand and the attempt to solve the situation of Boruto and Kawaki in Konoha on the other. In the meantime, we have already made our predictions about Boruto: Naruto Next Generations 48.
Boruto chapter 48 display page from WSJ Joint Issue 33 • 34. Here is a short translation of the information gathered from the scan.
– Abdul Zoldyck (@ Abdul_S17), July 16, 2020
Chap48 release date: 07/20/2020
Scan credit: @ Asashi101