The recent debut of Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War marked Ichigo’s grand return to the small screen. With the release of the third installment of the adaptation of the work’s final arc, the first battle between a Shinigami and a Quincy begins.

Bleach Episode 369, entitled The March of StarCross, takes us back to the Hueco Mundo where Quilge Opie wiped out the world’s last stand. However, the appearance of Kurosaki Ichigo leads to the first Clash between a Soul Society Shinigami and a Wandenreich Sternritter.

After an initial fight from which both emerge unscathed, Quincy decides to reveal his true nature. Quilge Opie activates his fullness, which dramatically increases the strength of which it is capable. However, the fight is temporarily interrupted by the return of the Tres Beasts with their pet, Ayon. However, Quilge turns out to be a supernatural being who erases his opponents from the world.

Meanwhile, Ishida investigates the Quincys and why Soul Society was under attack. The reason goes back hundreds of years when the The Soul Society destroyed the Wandenreich to maintain the balance between the souls of the living world and those of Soul Society. However, the war is about to begin, and Yhwach is ready to launch his attack.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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