The return of Studio Pierrot with the anime Bleach: Thousand Years of Blood War To tell the final saga of the story of Ichigo Kurosaki and his companions, he brought back the work of Tite Kubo to the limelight, and the artists of MH Studio decided to immortalize Ulquiorra Cifer, Arrancar in the service of Sosuke Aizen, in a character from Collection.
Before the return of Yhwach and the Conflict between Shinigami and Quincy, the main antagonist of the work was Captain Sosuke Aizen, creator of the arrancars thanks to the power of the Hogyoku, who will also return to action during the Thousand Years’ War. One of his most loyal and powerful allies was Ulquiorra Cifer, Fourth Swordrepresentatives of the nihilistic side of death.
Among the best representatives of Aizen’s army, Ulquiorra remains one of the favorite characters of fans of the series, thanks to the artists of MH Studio You can add a new character to your collection.
Available in two versions, 1/8th and 1/6th scale, sold at Price of 265 and 395 euros, the statue, fits perfectly with the design of the series and represents Ulquiorra in all its melancholic elegance. In addition, as you can see from the images below, it comes with a very detailed base reminiscent of the details of the Mask worn by Ulquiorra.
– Majin Store (@MajinStore) October 10, 2022
🔥MH STUDIO – Ulquiorra Schifer – Bleach
💶Price: €265 1/8 – €395 1/6
💰Reserve: €80 – €100
✈️Envío Incluido Peninsula
📏Tamaño: 31 cm – 40 cm high
📦Fecha de Salida: Q2 2023
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