On October 3rd, 2017 the first episode of theBlack Clover anime, produced by Studio Pierrot. Five years after that day, Yuki Tabata’s Shonen adaptation has slipped off the radar. When the series will return is still a mystery, but animation studio staff are celebrating the fifth anniversary of the project.

The series The Black Clover anime ran until March 30, 20201, for a total of 170 aired episodes. However, the adaptation has been on hold for over a year because it is too close to the content of Tabata Sensei’s manga. Will Black Clover’s fifth anniversary bring any news?

For the past few days, it has looked like Weekly Shonen Jump is about to announce the return of the Black Clover anime, but in reality, this announcement will be about the first anime film instead. The adjustment has been canceled before the Kingdom of Swords heist story arc. Now that the manga has entered its final saga, Studio Pierrot has enough material to adapt. However, Episode 171 of Black Clover won’t come out until 2024, when the feature has already made its debut.

Waiting for official news from Pierrot, the director of the film Ayataka Tanemura celebrated the fifth anniversary of the Black Clover anime with an artwork special commemoration of this occasion. The drawing, which you can find in the tweet at the end of the article, shows Asta after the time skip while he is giving his hand high fives.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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