Berserk’s history has taken decades, so there are details and subplots that are difficult to solve, also due to the pace of work by Kentaro Miura and the Gaga studio. After the caska clamp was temporarily closed, the mangaka focused this time on the protagonist of the work.

With Chapter 361 of Berserk, we saw Gatsu in the center of the action after a little arc related to Caska’s memories. The protagonist has met the knight of the skull again, actually king of the island of the elves, on which the main group is located. After a discussion, the knight leads Gatsu into the depths of the island to introduce him to an important person.

This is Hanarr, a dwarven forger who is actually the armor builder that the knight of the skull and the armor of the berserker that Gatsu has had for some time. Apparently the armor has not yet been mastered by the warrior and Hanarr warns him of the possibility of being overwhelmed by her, although he seems to be helping him at the moment. Then he decides to test the armor with a hammer blow. This seems to trigger the armament activation.

We’ll know more about itArmor of the Berserker and its risks in the next chapter of Berserk’s manga?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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