One of the most anticipated anime has finally returned to Italy. The first episode of The Attack of the Giants 4, a highly anticipated episode that has already caused so much excitement this new season, aired on VVVVID and Amazon Prime Video.

There first episode of The Attack of the Giants 4 took us into a completely unknown world with new characters and battles never seen in Hajime Isayama’s manga-inspired work. After the young faces Falco and Gabi, we also saw Reiner and Zeke with their classic transformations and their battle structure.

As we experience this new world and Marley’s victory in Fort Slava, a character we have known in the past returns to the crowd. It is a Jean Kirchstein has grown up very much Compared to what we knew, he can be seen reading a newspaper and then hiding in the crowd for the last few seconds of the episode. After that gig, Twitter became the go-to place for fans of the character and they are exploded tweets themed the attack of the giants 4with Jean at the center of the trends.

There have been a lot of tweets with the character in the middle and we’ve suggested some of them below. There is no time to dwell on these details, however, as the preview of the second episode of The Attack of the Giants 4 is already done.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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