As can be seen from our review of The Promised Neverland 2, the anime was a disaster. There are serious flaws on a technical level, but what was most confusing was the way the story and characters were approached. The first one in particular has very large holes.

The final episode of The Promised Neverland 2 doesn’t answer all of these questions. With a final presentation of images that are hard to clarify, CloverWorks actually adds more meat to the fire that needs explanation. Let’s do a recap of what needed to be clarified during the anime, drawing an explanation from what was explained in the manga. Therefore, if you want to empathize with the story of Kaiu Shirai and Demizu Posuka, avoid reading from the next paragraph.

The Tifari, who was mentioned in the first season of The Promised Neverland, has completely disappeared. This is a ceremony in which demons give the most delicious harvest to their deity. The ceremony takes place in front of the aristocratic demons and is a moment of great importance to society.

The The divine demon is another element that was not addressed in The Promised Neverland 2. Mentioned “he” several times in the first season episodes, he practically disappeared during this phase and only appeared twice in episode 11 of the second season, once at the beginning and once at the end. This is the demon capable of making the promises between humans and demons, and access to his place can only be obtained by a few. A fundamental element is the medallion that Mujika gives Emma in the third episode of The Promised Neverland 2, another object that has not been given any insight.

On the other hand, the question of medicine remains open for Norman and the other Lambda boys. In fact, the information Vilk received only explains how the drug is made, but Grace Field is unlikely to be able to make it. If Vincent was able to escape in the human world without any problems, it is inexplicable how Norman, Barbara, Cislo and Zazie managed to survive the journey into the demonic world without drugs all along. In the manga, the events take place in a very different way and so this is one narrative hole of the anime that will remain without explanation.

Sonju, Mujika and the others take part in a fight against the aristocracy that by exploiting the cursed blood he had kept the power of raising children to himself to keep the plebs at bay. So begins a fight against them, in which Sonju also brings his former teacher back to life, the head of an order of monks who prevent demons from eating meat from farms. Sonju is also the queen’s younger brother and another demon who never appeared in the anime but played a key role in the manga The Promised Neverland.

After the battle Mujika is crowned the new queen of the world and will allow the demons to use his blood to avoid regression, thereby ending their addiction to human flesh. Emma will at this point make a new promise with the demon god by finally separating the human world from that of the demons and bringing all children into the new world.

The Promised Neverland 2 fans are therefore upset about how season two was used, causing the anime’s voices to drop on every review page in the industry.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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