One of the most heated discussions on Twitter in recent hours involved one of the show's most powerful characters bleaching, or the traitor Shinigami Sosuke Aizen, the main antagonist of the work signed by Tite Kubo, as well as one of the most popular villains in the entire anime and manga panorama.

In fact, the hashtags to Bleach and Aizen suddenly went viral in the United States in a short space of time thanks to the debate that was focused Which anime antagonist could defeat Goku?, Protagonist of Dragon Ball and an icon of the industry for more than thirty years. The reactions were different and, as expected, not all fans were in agreement Aizen could have knocked out the Saiyan easily, and established himself as one of the best antagonists in the world of Japanese comics.

This disagreement can also be seen in the handful of posts that we reported at the bottom, where if on the one hand @DedboiiKez noted that Aizen could easily take on Goku and win, others emphasized that the outcome of the collision depends on different conditions and situations. However, most of the comments refer to Aizen's strength and reputation as one of the best antagonists ever written in manga history his strategic skills and his talent for surprising opponents. On which side are you? Do you also think the Shinigami can win against Goku? Let us know in the comments section.

Finally, we leave you the most beautiful transformations of the Soul Society Zanpakuto.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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