On the official Twitter account for the original anime by Chukyo TV and animation studios sublimation, Shikizakuraa…
On the official Twitter account for the original anime by Chukyo TV and animation studios sublimation, ShikizakuraAn…
On the official Twitter account for the original anime by Chukyo TV and animation studios sublimation, ShikizakuraIt…
As already announced, the platform Netflix Today the anime adaptation of Capcom, the dragon’s belief. The seven…
The platform Netflix revealed a new promotional video for the anime adaptation of the von Capcom, The…
On the official page for the anime adaptation of the Capcom, The dragon’s beliefthe second promotional video…
On the official page for the anime adaptation of the Capcom, The dragon’s beliefa new promotional video…
On the official Twitter account for the original anime Shikizakuraa new promotional video for the project was…
The platform Netflix unveiled a new promotional image for the anime adaptation of Capcom, The dragon’s belief….
On the official site for the original anime Shikizakura, it was confirmed that the singer Asaka will…