This review on Lapis Re: LiGHTs Contains spoilers. If you have not seen the chapter, we recommend you do it and then go back to read the review.

Chapter 2: Persecution Agreement

Tiara decides to progress and try to earn points with the rest of the girls, but everything goes wrong, instead of gaining points they lost many. But something unexpected happens, Rosetta disappears at night and they decide to follow her to see what she does. They all have their theories, but Lynette assumes she has an affair. After following her, they lose sight of her and decide to eat something in a cafeteria, where Ratura, another Lapis, tells them that she saw her. They go after her and find her. Rosetta, after a conversation, accepts the help and they manage to find the duck after an intense search. In the end he stays talking to Tiara and shows an orchestra, that of Super Nova.

Chapter opinion

Interesting and fun, they are the right words to summarize the chapter. It is interesting how the chapter deviates from what would seem the plot of this, recover points. But no, they end up looking for a duck, which is even rare from what we were shown at the beginning. When I think this I say to myself: it is natural, adolescents are like that, from one thing they pass to another, especially when social relationships are accentuated. Also, more than a magic school anime it is a idols and the message of friendship will be strong, too much between Tiara and Rosetta. I must reaffirm it, I do not like the type of music very much, but I do not deny that it is good, it even catches me and makes me dance. That is the magic of Lapis.

Fix the mess

The chapter begins funny, we see Tiara taking notes and striving so that her group is not expelled. All this triggers Lavie’s exaggeration, her screams make them lose points. Then, after finishing classes, Tiara goes with the girls to train and thus earn points, but the crossbow is destroyed and the apparatus to fly also, more points lost. This reminds me of a phrase: Sometimes when you plan one thing, you get a completely different one. That is what happens. I feel that these points will be the triggers for the group of idols what will make up the girls (it is not spoiler because the opening He already anticipates it, and I think it is obvious).

Relentless tracking and searching

After that funny start, new thanks occur. The girls tell Tiara that Rosetta always disappears at night. Everyone wonders where he is going, one of the funniest scenes happening (at least for the Japanese) due to a play on Japanese words (aibiki). Lynette says she will meet her love. Because of all these assumptions, they decide to go after her and go after her. Rose meets a blonde girl and Lynette assumes that she is his love, but for making a noise they lose sight of her. Later in a cafe they meet another Lapis and she tells him that she saw Rose, that’s why the girls go looking for her. It is interesting about Ashley and how she recognizes noble people, putting Tiara in check, who only accepts her nobility.

The duck and friendship

It is not the one that the duck is related to friendship (I have been searching and I have not found any of that, except in the Near East that means marital happiness), but it is very entertaining how a duck ends up uniting all the girls. When they catch Rose they discover that she works part time and that day she must find a duck that escaped her. It is interesting as an animal or something that does not necessarily have to do with them, as that ends up being a reason for union and to resolve the conflict. I like how they deal with the theme of the past, it is obvious that they have already experienced things that we do not know and that between them it is understood, they do not have to explain so many things, that makes the relationship more natural. In the end they end up grabbing the duck thanks to the less athletic.

Childhood memories

Tiara and Rosetta are left alone, the rest of the girls retire. In these moments of solitude, between two old acquaintances who have been separated for years, it is the right time to yearn for the past, to see what was happening before and to call themselves as they have it in their memories. “Tia,” Rose had said when he saved her from falling into the waterway. This simple nickname, nickname, etc., awakened in Tiara the desire for a friendship that does not want to be in the past. Rosetta asks Tiara that if she can call her that again, Tia agrees and it seems like things are back to the way they were before. Rose takes her to a place where she will discover that magic is more than magic, it is also feelings.

The strong influence of the older sister

We see the orchestra Supernova singing and making people’s feelings come out. Here Tiara reveals that she wants to be like her sister, that that kind of thing is something her sister has done. This demonstrates the tremendous influence that Eliza exerts on Tiara. The influence that an older sibling can have on the younger one is very strong, in some way we are their example and they end up imitating, in several cases, or to maintain their difference they do things opposite to those of U.S. In Tiara’s case, it seems like she wants to differentiate herself, yes, but doing the same as her sister. He does not want to be the shadow, but to be by his side. Let’s see if he can do it.

I am looking forward to the songs and that the other groups appear, I think that several will have their favorites, but I am afraid that those other girls from the other groups do not have an adequate development to be able to empathize better. Let’s see what the future holds for us, that looks good. Prepare your best steps because cumbios will come to remember.


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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