A renowned Japanese leaker confirmed that the serialization of the manga was written and illustrated by Motoyuki Tanaka, Be blues! Ao ni narewill be resumed in this year’s 43rd issue of the magazine Weekly Shonen Sunday from the publisher Shogakukannext September 23rd.
This manga had had an indefinite hiatus since April this year, resulting from the planning impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. For his part, Tanaka began publishing the manga in Shogakukan’s Weekly Shonen Sunday Magazine in January 2011. The publisher published its fortieth compilation volume on July 17th and will publish the forty-first on September 18th.
Synopsis of Be Blues! Ao ni nare
Ryuu Ichijou is a boy who dreams of joining Japan’s national soccer team. Ryuu is considered a genius player and his pursuits seem to be within his reach, but when he was an elementary school student he saved his best friend from a car accident, he was the one who got injured and underwent painful rehabilitation for two years. The story revolves around Ryuu when he walks into his high school soccer club and his job of dealing with the remains of the accident in order to achieve his goal.
Source: Ryokutya
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