On the official page for the manga written and illustrated by Hajime Koumoto, Mashle (also known as Mashle: magic and muscles) the cover of the third compilation volume, which will be released in Japan on October 2nd, was unveiled.
Koumoto began publishing the manga through the magazine Weekly shonen jump from the publisher Shueisha in January 2020. The publisher published the first compilation volume on June 4th and the second on August 4th.
Mashle synopsis
For everyone else in his magic-dominated world, the young and weak Mash Vandead is a threat to the gene pool and needs to be erased from existence itself. He secretly lives in the woods and trains his body every day and develops muscles strong enough to rival magic itself. However, when Mash sees that his true identity is exposed and his peaceful life is in danger, he begins his journey to become a “divine visionary,” a role so powerful that society has no choice but to to accept its existence.
In order to maintain its peaceful life, the Mash without magic attends the prestigious Easton Magic Academy and competes against the children of some of the most powerful and elitist in the kingdom. Without the necessary skills in Easton, Magic, Mash already seems to be at a disadvantage her classmates. To achieve his goals, Mash has to fight his way through every attempt with just his fists and brute force.
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