In the title of the sixty-first compilation volume of the manga, written and illustrated by Yasuhisa Hara, kingdomThe literary franchise has been confirmed to have more than 80 million copies in circulation. This volume will be released in Japan on April 19th.
Hara, in turn, began to publish the manga. kingdom in the magazine Weekly young jump from the publisher Shueisha The publisher published the fifty-ninth compilation volume in September 2020, followed by the sixty-ninth volume in December 2020. In December 2020, more than 70 million copies were in circulation.
The third season of the animated adaptation aired in Japan on April 4, starting with the first episode Funimation Radiance in the west. It is worth recalling that this anime originally premiered in April 2020 but has been suspended due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on production.
Kingdom synopsis
During the Warring States period in ancient China (421-221 BC), Shin and Hyou were war orphans in the Kingdom of Qin. You dream of proving yourself on the battlefield one day. One day, however, Hyou is brought to the palace by a minister. Hyou ends up on the losing side of a power struggle and manages to return to his barely alive village. For his part, Shin meets a boy very similar to Hyou, named Ei Sei, who is initially the King of Qin and who will become Emperor Shi Huangdi in the future.
Fountain: official page
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