On the platform's official Twitter account Magazine Pocket from the publisher Kodansha, it was announced that Reiji Miyajima publication of a spin-off manga titled Kanojo, Hitomishirimasu. This manga will be a spin-off of the manga Kanojo, Okarishimasu, and will star Sumi Sakurasawa, while describing the complications of his daily life in the face of his communication problem. Miyajima will begin serialization on the aforementioned platform on June 21.

For his part, Miyajima began publishing the manga in the magazine. Weekly Shonen Magazine from the publisher Kodansha in July 2017. The publisher published the twelfth compilation volume on October 17. The play is inspiring an anime adaptation produced by the studios. TMS Entertainment, under the direction of Kazuomi Koga and scripts written by Mitsutaka Hirota, scheduled to premiere on July 10.

Kanojo Okarishimasu

Synopsis of Kanojo, Okarishimasu

In Japan, loners have a new option; An online service to rent parents, children, and even girlfriends! When Kazuya's platonic love rejects him, he decides he is desperate enough to try the service, and is shocked when he discovers how beautiful his surrogate girlfriend is.

However, she wants to keep her "relationship" a secret, and there is a problem ... she attends her university ... and her grandmothers live in the same house ... and they are neighbors! To her dismay, Kazuya will discover that she is not as great as she appears ...

Source: Official Twitter Account

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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