Written and illustrated by the manga on the official Twitter account for Miki Yoshikawa, Kakkou no Iinazuke ((The cuckoo’s fiancée) A special poster was published showing that the first volume assembled was the bestseller published by the publisher Kodansha in 2020. “«Kakkou Promotional» From December this poster will be placed on a certain route in a vehicle. If you find it, don’t hesitate to let us know!The post wrote.

The first compiled volume of the manga, published in Japan on May 15, was also the fastest, reaching ten reprints in the history of Kodansha Publishing. In addition, Yoshikawa released the manga in early 2019 as a set of three one-shots so fans could decide which of these three projects would become a serialization.

Later, and after he was the winner, Yoshikawa began publishing the manga in the magazine Weekly Shonen Magazine from the publisher Kodansha in January 2020. The publisher published the third compilation volume on September 17, followed by the fourth on November 17 in Japan.

Synopsis of Kakkou no Iinazuke

Nagi Umino, a sophomore at a prestigious high school, discovers that he was mistakenly delivered from the hospital to another family when he was born. One day, on the way to his birth parents, he meets Erika Amano, a strange girl who tries to escape her parents’ arranged marriage. But Nagi and Erika discover that they have a lot more in common than they think!

Source: Official Twitter account

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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