My Hero Academia has launched several couples who still ignite the speeches in the fandom. The most obvious is that between Izuku Midoriya and Ochako Uraraka, male and female protagonist respectively of the story of Kohei Horikoshi. But under the magnifying glass there is also the relationship between Shoto Todoroki and Momo Yaoyorozu.
The two particularly approached during My Hero Academia season 2, when they confronted Professor Aizawa in pairs. Despite some initial hesitation, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu managed to work in sync and from that moment the fans of My Hero Academia have seen them well together. In addition to the many dedicated fan art, cosplay also arrives.
Hlara Cos has decided, together with another cosplayer, to devote their efforts to cosplay of the couple Yaoyorozu Todoroki, as you can see in some pictures below. In the first attached photo you can see the duo in hero clothes, probably after a hard fight. The boys, however, dedicate other photos also to more intimate moments of the fictitious couple. Finally, Hlara Cos also presents us his Momo Yaoyorozu cosplay alone, in the blue UA training suit.
Todoroki however could have a rival according to the manga of My Hero Academia. Who will win Yaoyorozu’s heart?
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