As previously announced, the production of the anime adaptation of the light novels will be written by Rifujin na Magonote and illustrated by Sirotaka, Mushoku Tensei: Unemployed Reincarnation (Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu) unveiled the first promotional video for the second season of the project. This preview announces that this sequel will be released sometime in 2023.
The platforms crispy roll will be responsible for broadcasting the series in the West.
Rifujin na Magonote began publishing light novels with illustrations by Sirotaka in January 2014 via the publishing label MF books from Kadokawa. The manga adaptation of Yuka Fujikawa has been published since May 2014. The work inspired a 23-episode anime adaptation produced by studio bindingdirected and screenplays written by Manabu Okamoto.
It should be remembered that the video game Mushoku Tensei: Game by Nattemo Honki Dasu can be found in the catalogue QooApp in this link.
production team
- Manabu Okamoto (gamers!) was responsible for directing the anime studio bindingwhile EGG SOLID production credited.
- Kazutaka Sugiyama (Darling in the FranXX) was responsible for the character design.
- Yoshiaki Fujisawa (Houseki no Kuni (TV), Isekai fraudulent magician, Love life! School Idol Project) was responsible for composing the soundtrack.
- Yuiko Oohara performed the first opening theme song "Tabibito no Uta (旅人の唄)" as well as the first ending theme song "Only (オンリー)".
Summary for Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation
Despite being bullied, despised, and oppressed his entire life, a 34-year-old hikikomori still found the determination to attempt something heroic, only to have it end in a tragic accident. But through a stroke of fate he wakes up as Rudeus gray rat in another world and starts a new life as a baby of two loving parents. Retaining his memories and knowledge from his past life, Rudeus quickly adapts to his new surroundings. With the mind of an older adult, he begins to display a magical talent beyond expectations and perfects his skills with the help of a wizard named Roxy Migurdia. Rudeus learns swordsmanship from his father Paul and meets Sylphiette, a girl his own age who quickly becomes his best friend. As Rudeus' second chance at life begins, he tries to make the most of his new chance while dealing with his traumatic past. And maybe one day he'll find what he couldn't find in his old world: love.