The production team for the short film is based on the manga, written and illustrated by Taiga Miyakawa, Tasuuketsu – Judgment Assizesrevealed the lead voice and an extension for the project’s crowdfunding campaign.
The new extension of the crowdfunding campaign runs until September 30th. The donation rewards include the anime DVD, picture books and special brochures. Contributors will also receive a special 30-page manga from Miyakawa.
On the other hand, the short film features a 90-second opening sequence, six minutes of animation, and an additional Flash-style animation. As previously announced, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan, production has been delayed from its original release in August and is now set to debut in January 2021.
This manga is the third part of the manga Tasuuketsuthat debuted in the app Ganma! in November 2017. The manga itself Tasuuketsu began its publication in 2013, followed by the second part in 2015.
- Yuuki Kaji as Raion Ouno.
- Taku Yashiro as Kotetsu Tsugawa.
- Ayumu Murase as Haruto Yanagi.
- Daisuke Motohashi as Kanato Sakurai.
- Kazuki Ura as Kazuhito Satou.
- Masatomo Nakazawa as Saneatsu Narita.
- Kazunori nomiya as Ryouhei Sudou.
- Tomotaka Harada as Toujurou Yagihashi.
- Yuki Shirato as Omi Jin.
Tasuuketsu Synopsis – Judgment Assizes
The story follows five people in the world who disappeared without leaving any moments. A self-proclaimed “emperor” gathers five people together through anonymous messages and forces them to participate in a game. Participants respond to “Would you like to die?” and they discover that the only rule in the game is, “Most die.”
Source: ANN