The news of the Sword Art Online: Progressive domain registration had got everyone talking Fans of the saga. Your predictions proved correct with the announcement of the new animated implementation.
To get the word out there is Sword Art Online’s official Twitter account, telling fans of the work that immediately after the final episode of Alicization the Progressive first trailer. At the bottom of the news there is a short video that introduces us to the world of Kirito and Asuna Yuuki. Reki Kawahara, author of the novel on which the anime is based, has therefore decided to rewrite the first part of the story and tell the story of Asuna, a young girl who is left caught in an MMORPGTogether with many other colleagues, she will eventually meet Kirito, who will teach her the secrets of survival in the difficult world of the SAO. As you may have guessed, the franchise’s many fans greeted the news with gusto and began to discuss the plot of the reboot, inspired by the novel of the same name.
We don’t know when the expected anime will make its debut yet. In the meantime, we point out the manga adaptation of Sword Art Online: Progressive, which was designed by Puyocha and which has achieved some success.
《ア リ シ ゼ シ ョ ン》 編 の 最終 話 放送 直 後 に 公開 と っ ち ン
– @ ニ メ ソ ー ド ア ー ト ・ @ @ @ @ @ (@sao_anime) 19th September 2020
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