Written on the official site for the anime adaptation of the light novels by Koryu Nozomu and illustrated by syuri yasuyuki, sweet reincarnation (Okashi na Tensei: Saikyou Patissier Isekai Kourin) the first promotional video for the project was unveiled. The video confirms that the premiere is planned for next July in Japanand reveals more members of the voice cast, including:
- Hiroshi Tsuchida as a casserole mill Morteln.
- Rumi Okubo as Josephine Mill Morteln.
- Yuu Wakabayashi like Sheet's Beetwin.
- Kay Okuno as Petra Mill Hubarek.
- Wataru Kato like Squale Mill Kadorecheck.
Koryu and Syuri began publishing the light novels through the publishing label TO books in October 2015 and a manga adaptation by Seiko Iida will be published via the digital service comic crown since December 2017. This is the author's debut work, so it is not possible to write a paragraph with its background.
voice output
- Ayumu Murase like pastries Mille Morteln.
- Natsumi Fujiwara how to tag it droba.
production team
- Naoyuki Kuzuya (Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu, Sakamoto desu ga?, Shakugan no Shana) is responsible for directing the anime at the studios SynergySP.
- Mitsutaka Hirota (HUNTER x HUNTER, Kanojo, Okarishimasu, Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor) is responsible for writing and supervising the screenplays.
- Tomoko Miyakawa (Eiyuu-ou, Bu wo Kiwameru Tame Tenseisu: Soshite, Sekai Saikyou no Minarai Kishi, Idol Land PriPara, Fairy Ranmaru: Anata no Kokoro Otasuke Shimasu) is responsible for character design and animation direction.
- Hiroshi Nakamura (Tonari no Seki-kun, Deji Meets Girls, Oda Cinnamon Nobunaga) composes the soundtrack.
Summary of Sweet Reincarnation
Nine-year-old pastry chef Mille Morteln is both his father's heir and the reincarnation of a dissatisfied pastry chef. Though he dreams of a land of sweets, there's work to be done first! From learning to fight, to mastering his new magical talents, to doing whatever he can to defend his village from bandits, when all he really wants is to bake the perfect apple pie... Pastry chef Mille Morteln has his hands full out for him ahead in his sweet reincarnation.
Spring: Weird Natalie